Sunday, February 8, 2009

Inkihandmade tagged me today to list 8 random things about myself and then tag 8 other bloggers (which Im not sure I know 8 other bloggers, sad huh?) but I will do my best...

1. I have 9 tattoos and Im not done yet!
2. I love true crime books...sometimes I get a bit obsessed and my husband has to hide them.
3. U2 is my mostest favorite band in the whole wide world and has been since I was about 7 years old.
4. Im a crazy cat lady...we have four and pathetically treat them like people instead of felines.
5. I button my sweaters wrong all the time and don't realize it...resulting in me walking around uneven all day.
6. I have/need glasses but rarely wear them.
7. I have way too many pairs of shoes.
8. I hate driving.

hmmm...Im going to tag alittlebitrandom and since random is part of her screen name she better make it good, and I will tag sarahandlisasmom. Its not 8 but its what I got!


Sarah said...

oy, you suck. :]

esque said...

Well done! We treat our cats like little people too, we love them so much!

Punkscrapper said...

haha, good Im glad we aren't the only ones! kitties make the best kids!